Annual General Meeting 2021
SLMANA WR held its Annual General Meeting and elected the following Office bearers for the current year.
Executive Committee. This committee holds office for two years.
President - Dr. Dineshi Liyanage
Vice President - Dr. Mahesh De Silva
Treasurer - Dr. Michael Perera
Secratary - Daphne Torrijos - RN
Assistant Secratary - Chanaka Senanayake
Board of Directors. This board will hold office for three years.
Dr. Lasika Seneviratne - Chairman of the Board
Dr. Kumari Wickramasinghe - Corporate secretary
Mr. Methinda Jayawardena - Chief Financial Officer
Dr. Shamila Senanayake
Dr. Lareef Idroos
Dr. Sarath Gunatilake
Dr. Deepthi Jayasekara